The trend to go "eco" has started across every industry. Preservation is in, waste is out. The furniture industry is in no isloation from that trend. In fact, many new furniture and accessory companies have launhed focusing on ecologically friendly products. However, these products, and excuse the word, are mainly clunky and lack style and personality.
Enters ecochic... a new "new" trend is ecologically safe furniture. Ecochic focuses on using antique and reclaimed wood that is absolutely gorgeous and mounting it on a new frames to create wonders. It is like capturing history in a small jar and making it work for you.

From old doors and door frames (almost 300 to 400 years old), you can make tables, credenzas, cabinets, wine cabinets and more. It is not just preserving nature, it is also preserving history and heritage.

The good news is that these pieces are also very affordable. The price range for a buffet or credenza is $1,600 USD to $2,100 USD retail, which is great. A piece like this, mixed with contemporary furniture simply adds life and a small touch of depth, history and soul. In one word, it adds life.

Chez Moi in San Francisco carries one of these lines. Several credenzas are always on the show floor. Enjoy, history and more to come.
These are lovely. Our readers would really enjoy taking a look at these product.